January 18, 2025
Indigo Roadmap Items
Roadmap for Implementing Color Matching Quality Control for Indigo Presses
Goal: Establish a comprehensive color-matching quality control system for Indigo Presses utilizing Print Inspector for process control and ChromaChecker Capture for spot color matching.
- Indigo Presses are stable and consistent as reported in Print Inspector.
- Necessary hardware (ChromaChecker Capture with spot instrument) is available.
- Access to press serial numbers and API keys/secrets for authentication.
Prep Items:
- Gather Press Information:
- Collect press serial numbers for all relevant Indigo Presses.
- Obtain API keys and authentication secrets with Print Inspector and ChromaChecker Capture.
- Software Installation & Setup:
- Install ChromaChecker Capture software on the designated workstation.
- Calibrate and profile the spot instrument used with ChromaChecker Capture according to manufacturer instructions.
Implementation Items:
Instrument Baselining:
- Perform an initial baselining of the spot instrument in ChromaChecker Capture.
- Establish a regular monthly re-baseline schedule to ensure the instrument's consistency.
Process Color Conformance:
- Determine Reference Aim: Define the target color appearance (e.g., industry standards, brand guidelines).
- Determine Substrate: Identify and document all substrates used in production.
- Determine Tolerance: Establish acceptable color deviation limits for each substrate and application.
- Determine Control Strip: Design and implement a standardized control strip for each substrate, including process color patches.
- Determine Measurement Workflow:
- Define the process for measuring color on the control strip (e.g., using a densitometer, or spectrophotometer).
- Implement a standardized data collection and analysis method.
Spot Color Conformance:
- Determine Reference Colors:
- Define and create a comprehensive Master Color Library within ChromaChecker Capture.
- Include all standard spot colors used by the press.
- Measure and record the spectral data of each color using the spot instrument.
- Consider creating libraries for both spot and simulated spot colors.
- Determine Substrate: Identify and document all substrates used for spot color printing.
- Determine Tolerance: Establish acceptable color deviation limits for each spot color on each substrate.
- Determine Measurement: Define whether to measure single colors or a control strip containing spot and/or process colors.
- Determine the appropriate measurement workflow (e.g., using ChromaChecker Capture, spectrophotometer).
- Determine Reference Colors:
Color Matching & Production
Process Color Conformance:
- Roll Out to Suppliers: Communicate color standards and measurement protocols to all relevant suppliers.
- Check Connectivity: Ensure seamless data exchange and communication between all stakeholders (printers, designers, suppliers).
- Establish Reporting Guidelines: Define clear reporting guidelines, including timing, frequency, and the scope of data to be collected and analyzed.
Spot Color Conformance:
- Roll Out Color Library to Designers:
- Provide designers with the Master Color Library in a usable format (e.g., Pantone Color Books, digital swatch libraries).
- Train designers on how to use the library and export named colors correctly.
- Roll Out to Suppliers:
- Provide suppliers with the Master Color Library and instructions on how to use Color Match Scan (or similar tools) to build Spot Color Look-Up Tables.
- Implement a system to verify that suppliers are matching spot colors to brand tolerances.
- Deploy Projects: Integrate color management protocols into all production projects.
- Check Connectivity: Ensure seamless data exchange and communication between the PSP (Print Service Provider) and the brand.
- Establish Reporting Guidelines: Define clear reporting guidelines, including timing, frequency, and the scope of data to be collected and analyzed.
- Roll Out Color Library to Designers:
Monitoring & Maintenance:
- Regularly monitor press performance and color consistency using Print Inspector and associated Dashboards.
- Define periodic color checks using ChromaChecker Capture to verify color accuracy and identify any deviations.
- Establish a regular schedule for visual inspections of printed output by a qualified color expert.
- Update color libraries, and refine LUTs to maintain optimal color quality.
- Implement a system for tracking and documenting all color-related adjustments and their impact on print quality.
- Continuously review and refine the color management system based on data analysis and feedback.
- Improved color accuracy and consistency across all Indigo Presses.
- Reduced waste and rework due to color discrepancies.
- Enhanced customer satisfaction through improved print quality.
- Increased efficiency and productivity in the print production process.
- Data-driven approach to color management enables proactive adjustments and continuous improvement.
- Reduced environmental impact due to decreased waste from color errors.
Contact ChromaChecker Support
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