

December 1, 2022

Print Inspector Tolerances

When print tracks are created via the start-up wizard, default tolerances are automatically applied based on the user's initial selection of following either European standards, or North American standards. The tolerances are different based on the type of printing process. Any of these tolerances can be changed or customized based on the customer's requirements. ChromaChecker has a public library of default tolerances related to industry standards and private tolerances like Best Buy corporation tolerances. Any tolerance can be duplicated and customized with default starting tolerance sets that follow industry standards and best practices being referenced. 

Tolerance Sections:

  • Substrate
  • Process 
  • Spots
  • TVI
  • All patches
  • Outer gamut
  • ISO Gray Balance
  • G7
  • Variation
  • Solid tints variations
  • Press Specific
  • Required set of patches


Please note:

  1. To make any criteria Informative input the numeric value. If it has to be a Normative check a checkbox. 
    • Informative data will show the results in gray color, and it is informative only, the measurement will not fail if the data fails.
    • Normative data will show the data results in color (green pass, or red fail) and if any normative data fails, the entire measurement fails.
  2. The number of decimal places defines the expected precision of the tolerance. For example: if the measured value is 3.15 and tolerance is set to 3 it will be marked as pass. (because 3.15 will be rounded to 3). The same result will fail if tolerance is set to 3.0 as 3.15 will be rounded to 3.2.
  3. If spot colors are the subject to Print Inspector analysis and Color Library or Color Palette is assigned to the print track, then this tolerance will override the spot tolerance set up as part of the tolerance set.  

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