Quick Start Guide - Spot Check
This guide will follow a common best practice using the ChromaChecker and a spot check instrument to create a product reference color and prepare for quality spot checks. Keep in mind that Chromachecker is used for all aspects of color quality control including supporting any control strip for printers, spot color placeholders, and industry-standard data files so use this guide to configure the entire process and your assigned coach will help with your initial roadmap based on your organization's specific needs. You will find that ChromaChecker is both simple to use and sophisticated Color Quality Control.
This guide is intended to get you a quick start with product spot-check measurements using your new instrument.
Your Quality Control Program will report on the consistency and accuracy of the product by comparing a reference color with a spot check measurement of common products that can include a substrate, textile, injection molding, paint, cosmetics, and reference swatch patches, to name just a few. The tools provided will allow you to check the product before, after, and/or throughout the production process.
Since we understand that production environments are dynamic with multiple devices, instruments, and workflows -- the Quick Start instructions are intended to allow you to maintain normal production. Reporting requirements are based on the visual representation of the color and tie directly to measurable results in the form of DeltaE and E-Factor (CRF 95th percentile).
At first, it's important to establish the reference color or target that will be used as the master to evaluate the shift in color. This will be the first measurement that is completed in order to establish the goal for measurements that will be evaluated against the reference.
Defining the Production Standards
If your organization already has digital references, those can be entered during the initial configuration. If you are currently using only a visual reference to approve products, we suggest starting with a high tolerance setting of a 10 E-Factor or Delta E while following your normal production approval process. this will allow for measurements to be established to determine what shift in color is appropriate for your application.
Spectro1 on SmartPhone - don't create a reference/new product you have to build the setup in Color Inspector
Nix or Spectro1 with bridge with Capture - build the product and object in capture
Visual Reference vs. Digital Reference
ChromaChecker is designed to tie the visual reference to a digital reference setting the basis for measuring a shift in color and surface texture. Your configuration is dependent on the type of product and also on the capabilities or limitations of the instrument being used. For this reason, you want to first confirm the instrument and use it with your assigned coach to ensure the best practice for your application is being followed.
The type of instrument will identify the best method for submitting data as part of a quality control check and the tolerances are appropriate for your application. These include CC Capture, SmartPhone applications, CC Uploader, and direct API.
What you will need: Identify the instrument and method for uploading data
ChromaChecker Capture Software
Variable Spectro1 Smart Phone application supplied with the instrument and or Chromachecker Capture Software
Variable Spectro1 Smart Phone application supplied with the instrument and or Chromachecker Capture Software
Chromachecker Capture Software
Chromachecker Capture Software
iPhone or iPad Nano Application is downloaded using the Apple Store
Please refer to the additional information below to be familiarized yourself with the operation of the instruments and software.
Additional Support
- Ask Your Expert - Submit a job ticket and provide access for our tech support team
- Contact Your Coach - If you have the Coaching Support service, contact your coach for a remote session or to update your roadmap.
- Log into E-Learning System
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