

November 29, 2022

System Implementation Summary

To get the system implementation big picture, you can consult System Check - an internal support tool. 
Check line by line if all that might be important for your Organization is set correctly.  This page today is subject to permanent evaluation - check it regularly and expect new parameters. We are working on a more user-friendly version, but it might not be hard to understand for Color Champions, even if it is very technical.  


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Progress is key; revisit your plan, and optimize it!

If there are too many topics - make a plan - figure out what can be done faster and what needs more resources and effort. Generally, it is important to define milestones, but not all can be planned. Having a good foundation is important- some points you may refer to. 

  • Starting With Lighting Condition is very fast and gives a first good reference point.
  • If you are working with Displays - calibrating and profiling is a second - fast and effective reference point.
  • If you have calibrated display and Lighting Booth - combine them into an advanced Softproofing Station - which can save a lot of time and consumables in the future.
  • Start tracking and comparing your Instruments - at list document current state to have a reference point for future evaluation.
  • If you have Proofer - that should be another key reference. Learn your printer/rip limitations and try not only to pass ISO criteria but knows that the optimal setting is reached and the score is satisfactory! (E-Factor around 1.0 is perfect). A perfect proofer is important to have a visual reference that is important not only for customers and press operators but also for creating standards and defining tolerances.
  • If you don't have a proofer but more printers - audit them to select the Master one.
  • Printer by printer, press by the press, audit them, and start tracking. Once data are collected, a comparison can be performed, and we can take steps to reduce differences. If Proofer is already tuned for the highest accuracy - all printing devices can be compared. 
  • Think about the most effective way to collect data - try to implement automation to reduce additional work for the operators. 
  • Limit unwanted steps and useless options for operators.
  • Think about how you can help operators in their work, listen to feedback, and look for a better solution where the number of errors can be decreased.



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