

January 28, 2023

Virtual Control Strip (VCS) Tasks

If you have the need to measure specific color values on a product package that does not have room for a control strip, this function is for you. In addition it is measuring the actual art work on the page, which are more important values than a control strip value. This technology is based on a unique ChromaChecker feature where a test chart (control strip) is converted from a grid (rows and columns) to a list of patches with individual XY positions on the sheet. 

Today ChromaChecker supports VCS when working with 

  • X-Rite I1iO (full implementation)
  • Barbieri LFP (an experimental solution that requires a manual script be entered)


X-Rite I1iO-based VCS

1. Preparation procedure- This will not work unless the printed page is located in the same location on the IO Table every time.

Create a list of samples to measure as a regular control strip - note that you may want to mix the type of patch value (nCLR/CMYK, Lab, Spot, or even Special) - there is no limitation but understand that virtual measurement points should not be too small - 8x 8 mm is smallest possible size but we recommend at least (10 x 10mm) to provide some latitude in positioning the page on the table. If you want to measure a solid cyan patch in a different location, repeat this patch value as many times as desired. 


2. Select preferred methodology:

  • Pre-positioning- valid if pages are trimmed to final size - To confirm that using mechanical stops successfully ensures that the printed sheet is in the exact expected location; if so we can skip manual positioning.

  • 3-point manual position - requires 3 points to be manually selected to correct potential displacement


3. Create a Scanning Template that saves the coordinates of every patch location to be measured.

Use i1iO and CC Capture to produce the coordinates which will be entered into the scanning template for this artwork.


4. Test Scanning template.

Using Capture, select the defined Scanning Template and test every patch is correct - the crosshair will point precisely to XY values. Correct potential errors and resave the scanning template. Remember to refresh CC Capture after each update.


 VSC Step-by-step Procedure

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