How to print with Color Management turned OFF?
Depending on the printing workflow, there are two basic scenarios.
- If the printer is driven by RIP - then ideally, the ICC profiles can be configured within the RIP, the input or source ICC profile should be the desired reference condition (ie GRACoL), and the output profile should be the printer condition ICC profile, which represents the printer/substrate combination. When creating the profile, the color management settings in the RIP need to be turned off in order to capture the full gamut of the condition. Please refer to RIP details to learn how to turn off color management on the profile printer.
- The printer is managed by a system driver at the OS level. In this case, the Device ICC Profile is stored in the operating system. Please check with the printer's manual to learn how to turn off any color control in the driver to profile your printer's condition.
The printer is managed by the driver at the computer operating system (OS) level.
The easiest way to print without color management is to use a simple free application: Adobe Color Printer Utility:
This utility enables users to open TIFF files and print them to any system printer. The dialog box makes it possible to set up a printer and provides the ability to disable "Color Matching."
Please be sure to use the same setting for the printer - the best practice is to save the setting as a preset. Many printer-specific features have large impacts on the print condition and it is very important to apply the same parameter for future printing.
In the following example, an Epson driver offers a lot of model-related features - and all those parameters are important.
Media Type is internally preset defining a lot of parameters critical to get the largest possible gamut - Media Type defines the amount of ink used for printing that a given substrate can absorb. Other parameters - typically printer-dependent are also important - all can have a significant influence on color and precision.
Whenever you expect high precision - select 16 -bit instead of 8 - which enables more precision in color addressability.
The preset name reflects the named selected substrate. An ICC Profile is for one selected media only. It may be production-batch sensitive -quality may change when the paper comes from another batch.
If you have a PDF and you need TIFF, the use Photoshop to convert. Open PDF in Photoshop - be sure to apply corresponding space RGB or CMYK, do not mix color spaces, and define resolution. Do not scale page, a patch size definition is critical for some measurement instruments. If profile test form is too big you can cut out some elements but take into account that some instruments may require them for scanning.
When saving Don't embed Color Profile and disable Layers.
If you need CC-400 RGB TIFF - a 300 dpi version is here CC-400_RGB_300dpi.tif
For NIX or SPECTRO 1 users we prepared TIFF files with CC-RGB
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